January 3, 2019

Every product or service, needs periodic maintenance for its efficient performance. The maintenance carried out in a scheduled time avoids the total failure of a service. This helps to create discipline, peacefulness and harmony in the people, related to that product or service.

Generally maintenance can be classified as:-

    1. Preventive maintenance.
    2. Creative maintenance.

If the preventive maintenance is carried out efficiently then the corrective maintenance is rarely required.

Therefore the maintenance manager shall concentrate more on the Preventive maintenance.

Many times it happens that, on failure of a specific service, people create chaos, till the corrective measures are taken. Public memory being weak; the necessary suggestions for the preventive measures are forgotten till the next failure.. During a crisis, the affected people are expecting some Immediate Relief’ and also a long-term solution to a problem. Therefore it is a very critical duty of a maintenance manager to achieve the Golden-mean during crisis.

To achieve this, Golden mean between Preventive and Corrective maintenance some suggestions are given herewith.

1. Maintain a log-book of all the services pertaining to a project. The log-book of each machine, equipment, service shall be maintained separately. The log-book contains the following information, in the following format. Name of the Project:……………………………………………….

Name of the Machine / service:……………………………………

Name of the supplier/ contractor/ erector with address:…………..

Telephone No………………………………………………………

Contact person……………………………………………………..

Date of commissioning of the machine:……………………………

Recommended special Precautions, if any:………………………..

Recommended frequency of maintenance: Daily/Weekly / fortnightly / Monthly / Quarterly / Half-yearly / Yearly.


Sr. No.

Date of commissioning

Due date of maintenance &
Date of subsequent maintenance

Actual date
of maintenance

Description of
maintenance done



These due dates of maintenance shall be displayed near the machine prominently. This helps to remind the servicemen to carry out the maintenance in scheduled time.

The description of maintenance will help to decide about the ‘Actual Health’ of the concerned machine and its probable life. This helps to arrange the standby machine to avoid the total failure and its consequences. Inspite of, carrying out the preventive maintenance carefully: some failures in the machine may occur, but the severity of the failure will be restricted.

In case of failures on some occasions, the corrective maintenance shall be carried out immediately. A simple Log-book shall be maintained to record the description of the failure and the measures taken for rectification.

This record helps to learn about the ‘ Continual Improvement’ in the ‘Preventive Maintenance’ in the future. Accordingly the focus of ‘Preventive maintenance’ shall be widened in the future.

So far as, the Construction Industry is concerned and especially the ‘Housing construction Industry’ is concerned; the same point-of-view shall be adopted as discussed above, for the maintenance of a flat, bunglow, shop, the related services and the project as a whole.

Considering the smallest unit, a flat, as the starting point, let us try to resolve the problems related to maintenance, as follows:


  1. WALL CRACKS: – These may appear in the internal and external plaster in initial years of occupation due to following reasons as per I.S. codes.
    • Moisture changes.
    • Thermal variations.
    • Elastic deformation
    • Creep
    • Chemical reaction.
    • Foundation movement and settlement of soil.
    • Vegetation.
    • Earthquake.

A study report indicates very high percentage of cracks in Pune region, due to temperature variation in day and night time.

Do not panic. The process of cracks may continue for couple of years. After that you can simply fill cracks with primer putty and repaint the walls and see them without cracks for at least of 2-3 years.

DOORS: Hinges of doors should be oiled regularly, at least once in three months.

DOOR AND LATCHES: – After a period of time you may find the doors in your unit do not shut properly and the latches no longer seem to work perfectly.

This happens because self-weight of the door combined with temperature fluctuations and expansion and contraction of wood causes a shift in the original position of the doors. Just wait till the season changes

and see things fall back into place. Or of required you can call a carpenter, who will rectify the problem.

    • Marble tiles flooring: – The white marble floor should be cleaned with a little kerosene in warm water, twice a month.
    • Ceramic tiles flooring: – The ceramic tile flooring should be cleaned with detergent diluted liquid. In no case, should concentrate acids be used. Corners and skirting should be cleaned daily to keep them looking as good as new. Corners and skirting should be cleaned daily to keep them looking as good as new. If any further furniture work is done later on, remove the wood shaving and sawdust on the same day. No water should be allowed to mix with shaving, as it will leave permanent stains on the floor. No tea, coffee or cigarette butts should be dropped on the floor tiles, as they will leave permanent stains on the floor. Do not allow any workman to drag ladders or drop heavy tools like hammer etc on the floor. This will damage the tiles. Covering the bottom of the ladder with a piece of cloth or rubber gattus will prevent this damage.
  1. ELECTRICAL BILLS: The electric bills for common electricity should be paid by the apartment condominium in time. The first bill is generally sent by Electricity Board after six months of installation of meter. Subsequently the bill is received regularly after every two months. In case the bill is not received, it is the duty of members to follow up with the Electricity Board directly and get it prepared from then to avoid disconnection. As far as the individual bill is concerned, each unit owner has to pay it within the prescribed date on it to avoid problems.

Monsoon season can be made safer for your new building, if little care is taken prior to monsoon, as explained below: –

    • Keep the terrace fully clean.
    • Clean the top slabs of all overhead water tanks, ensure the covers are properly closed.
    • Check all the rainwater lines. Remove the chokeup if any.
    • Keep the rainwater gutter along the road fully clean.
    • Do not allow any stagnant water in premises for longer period as it may cause danger to compound wall.
    • Clean the weep holes of compound wall/garden/retaining wall.
    • Check the loose antennas, lamp mounting, hoardings etc, for their stability.

Check this once in 7 days in monsoon season and every fortnightly in other seasons and then the problem of leakage can be minimized.


In the first 2 to 3 monsoons, damp patches and resulting cracks may appear in the walls due to

seepage. But this is not a construction fault. Just wait for 2 to 3 summer and then do the patching of damp spots, filling the cracks and repainting the walls, and you should not see the problem again.


After a period of time due to regular usages; leading to leaky taps washers in the taps may get worn out, leading to leaky taps. You can solve it by replacing the washers, even by yourselves.


In case of any electrical faults or problems, please call Electricity Board complaint center. If the problem does not involve the Electricity Board then please call licensed electrical contractor to set the things right.


Think of anti termite treatment as an insurance against termites. No home whatever old or new, concrete, wood, brick, slab type is safe from termite as thereis no such thing available as termite proof constructions. Though we have taken precaution to avoid termite attack, but costly furniture, clothes, books, documents, plastic insulation provide a convenient substitute for natural food of termite. Hence, it is advisable to have anti termite treatment (Pest control) to your furniture may be new or old after every couple of years. Hence instead of hoping, Termites do not attack, make sure that they can’t attack and be protected.


Following are the few tips to be kept in mind by the society members for proper and smooth running of the common services.


  1. Please park your vehicles in your allotted parking & ask your visitors not to park their vehicles in reserved parkings. This will help the security to identify the unauthorized person.
  2. If you find any unauthorized person lingering in & around your building, please inform the security guards on duty, at the earliest.
  3. Inform & furnish the details of maidservants & tenants with two copies of photographs to the security.
  4. For any security problem, you may contact the head of the security services on his phone number.
  5. Before leaving your residence, please get assure that you have closed all the water taps, put off gas connection, electrical switches & all the doors windows are locked properly.
  6. If you have called any visitor, sales representative to your home, then please inform the security in advance.
  7. Apart from security, the guards are also responsible for controlling the water supply & generator system.


  • Please do not wash your floors & balconies daily. Just mop it by wet cloth.
  • Please do not wash your vehicles in scarcity of water.
  • Please see that water does not spill from your plantation pots. Proper arrangement of trays below the flower pots should be made.
  • Water never gets stale, hence, do not throw it.
  • Please ensure that water taps are closed while you are leaving your flat.


  1. Do not overload the lift beyond its capacity
  2. Carrying of construction & furniture material, heavy household objects such as refrigerator, cupboards, drums, grain bags etc. are strictly prohibited.
  3. Open & close lift doors slowly & firmly. Do not bang the doors or do not keep the doors open.
  4. Do not play with doors & switch panel. Do not put hands through collapsible doors while the lift is moving.
  5. Do not try to open the lift doors, when the lift is in motion. Always wait for the lift to stop at floor.
  6. Children’s below 10 yrs. Age should not operate the lift alone. Parents are requested to take care of their children.
  7. If lift is stuck in between the floors, make sure that, main T.P. SWITCH is put OFF, before trying any rescue operation.
  8. For any problem contact immediately the person concerned.
  9. In case of electricity failure, please have some patience till the generator is put ON.

Important telephone numbers shall be maintained at easily visible place.

  1. Society or site office.
  2. Lift maintenance Agency.
  3. D.G.Set maintenance Agency.
  4. Security supervisor / Head office.
  5. Electrical complaint Centre.
  6. Municipal Ward office.
  7. Police station.

Telephone numbers of Emergency services shall also be maintained:

  1. Police (city) .
  2. Police control room.
  3. Ambulance services.
  4. Hospitals.
  5. Blood Banks.
  6. Heart Brigade.
  1. 24 hour Chemists.
  2. Railway Enquiry.
  3. Railway Reservation Enquiry.
  4. Airport general enquiry.
  5. Airport reservation Enquiry.
  6. State Transport Bus stands.
  7. Taxi stands.
  8. Municipal Corporation.


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