- Final plinth levels of all buildings.
- Strata as per consultant’s specifications.
- Size of pits is more than size of P.C.C., & depth as desired.
- Shuttering provided, if required.
- Uniformity & thickness of soling.
- Compaction of concrete.
- Thickness of P.C.C. as specified.
- Curing for 7 days.
- Final plinth level of building.
- Footing number, size, column number & orientation.
- Reinforcement of footing & plinth beams.
- Cover for reinforcement.
- Layout of plinth beams.
- Shuttering of plinth beams.
- Compaction of concrete.
- Cubes taken with identification.
- Test report of cubes. (7 days& 28 days)
- Assorted material made available for backfilling.
- Filling in layers & proper compaction.
- Watering.
General & reinforcement
- Plotting of gridline for center of column above plinth / floor slab.
- Locating & marking the centers of columns.
- Binding & placing column reinforcement above upper floor slab as per required height, considering lap length of the bar.
- Column reinforcement & its arrangement as per drawing.
- Ring spacing & their arrangement as per R.C.C. drawings.
- Proper binding of reinforcement with binding wire.
- Fixing of concrete or P.V.C. cover blocks to reinforcement.
Checking of shuttering for columns
- The quality of shuttering before placing.
- Applying deshuttering oil to plywood shuttering.
- Fixing M.S.clamps (shinkanjas) at every 0.6 m (2’0″) internal.
- Stiffness of side supports to have formwork in plumb.
Checking of column before concreting
- Size as per drawing.
- Diagonals as required.
- Oiling of shuttering.
- Plumb on both sides.
- Line of columns as desired.
- Sufficient Marking level up to which concreting to be done.
- Supports.
- Reinforcement cover provided.
- Spacing of reinforcement above concrete level, maintained as required.
- Proper filling of gaps from outside by soil paste.
Checking of column while concreting.
- Quality of materials of concrete.
- The proportion & mixing of material.
- Six cube mould are kept ready to cast cubes from different batches.
- Controlled water cement ratio.
- Availability of vibrator or labour for tamping.
- Proper cover after concreting on top level.
- Casting of concrete cubes as required.
- Proper numbering on cubes.
- Fill joints if slurry flows from anywhere.
- Maintain required concrete level.
- Cleaning of mixing platform.
Checking of columns after concreting.
- Deshuttering of columns after 24 hrs-48 hrs.
- Submission of the deshuttering report to higher authority.
- Finishing of honey combing, if any, with proper care.
- Date of casting written on column.
- Hacking of columns.
- Cubes removed next day & kept for curing, with code numbers, cast code, site name on cubes.
- Curing of columns done for minimum 15 days. Wet nesian cloth wrapped around it.
- Testing of cubes on due dates i.e. after seventh & twenty eighth day.
Checking of shuttering material
- Height of slab from plinth / slab level.
- Quality of shuttering material.
- Proper fixing of cap on column to take load of beam & slab shuttering.
- Width of beam bottom plank.
- Proper fixing of beam bottom cap.
- Line & level of beam bottoms.
- Depth of beam as per R.C.C. drawings.
- Proper fixing of props for bottom in line & plumb at every 0.6 m internal.
- Packing below props only one or two wooden plank pieces is allowed. (No bricks or blocks are allowed).
- Proper fixing of side beam in line, level & plumb.
- Support to vertical joint of shuttering for 0.6 m beam or 0.75 m beam.
- Gaps in beam sides to be filled.
- Ensure fixing of steel plates over beam sides in flush position.
- Slab plates should be supported by 3″x3″ chavis at 2’0″ (0.60 m).distance center to center.
- ‘Side plank’ for slab panel periphery (Dhar falee).
- Individual level of each bay of slab.
- Marking thickness of slab.
- Water tightening of plates joints & ghabadi work.
- Oiling of slab shuttering.
- Internal panel measurement, beam-to-beam & diagonal of panel.
- Location & depth of sunken slab.
- Outer line of beam sides.
- Room sides & diagonals.
- Water tightness near junctions of columns & beams.
- Bamboo bracing for joining, prop to prop at 4’0″ height from floor.
Checking of reinforcement for Beams.
- Bottom bars, top bars, bentup bars, stirrups, distance of bentup bars from face of supports, spacing of the stirrups as per R.C.C. drawing, proper tying of stirrups.
- Diameter of bars, binding of stirrups in plumb.
- Length of bentup bars projecting in the adjacent beams.
- L for bentup at discontinuous end.
- Side covers & bottom covers for beams.
- Pin is provided at required places between reinforcement.
- Proper binding of laps in beam if provided with required length.
- Extra stirrups at the junction of beams.
Steel for slab.
- Spacing, diameter of bent up bars & main bars.
- Distance of bent ups from face of beam.
- Length of bent up bars projecting in adjacent bays.
- Height of the bent up bars.
- Chair below each & every bent up bar.
- Covering for slab at bottom.
- Proper binding of laps of required length.
- Distribution steel diameters, spacing & ties.
- Dowels of slab & beam.
- Location, proper binding diameter & length of fan hook & quality of the hook box.
- Stirrups in column for upper floor column size.
Care to be taken before / after casting of slab
- To check the concealed electrical conduit work for slabs as per drawing; check I.S.I mark on P.V.C. pipes& note down the length of all pipes for billing purpose.
- Check the junctions & all electrical layout, position of fan points, M,S, boxes, junction boxes.
- Avoid breaking of pipes during concreting.
- Certificate from Architect.
- Certificate from R.C.C. consultants.
Management before / after casting of slab.
- The stock of cement , sand & metal required for casting of slab.
- Arrangement of water & standby arrangement of water in case of electrical failure.
- Labour strength required & available for slab casting.
- Inform contractor about starting time of slab & maximum allowable time for slab casting.
- Decide the position of concrete joints in case of big slab after consulting & approval of R.C.C. Consultant.
- Casting of slab with the help of mixer ,vibrator & measuring box.
- Machine operator for mixer & vibrator is present on site.
- Proportion of aggregate decided.
- Casting of six cube moulds of various batches for testing.
- Ensure cleaning of wooden pieces, papers etc. from slab, beam before casting.
- Proper levelling of slab by mason.
- Maintaining slab register.
- Arrangement of planks over slab for labour movement along with the M.S. walk ways for avoiding the disturbance to top reinforcement.
- Arrange petrol & diesel for vibrator & mixer.
- Ensure the working of materials lift before commencement of work. Ensure for rigid scaffolding of lift.
- Sufficient light arrangement in case of late night concreting.
Checklist after concreting
- Deshuttering of outer beams after 24 hours.
- Making small bonds in sand & cement mortar (1:10) for ponding method of curing for slab, with each bay having maximum size of 2.0 m x 2.0 m.
- Removal of waste material like sand, metal & steel pieces?
- Deshuttering of internal beam sides after 48 hours?
- Curing of slab for 28 days.
- Painting the date of casting of slab on front & side beam.
- Register in head office, next day after casting.
- Deshuttering of slab after 7 days, 10 days or 15 days depending on spans.
- Hacking of beam sides, beam bottom, slab bottom.
- Minor honey combing surfaces, finished with rich mortar.
- Major honeycombing shall be brought to the notice of R.C.C.Consultant.
- Cleaning the entire floor, before starting the line out of masonry.
- Confirm dimensions & diagonals of room after first layer (line out).
- First layer checked with beam top / bottom edge, offset & plumb.
- Opening to be provided at first layer for doors & at sill level for windows & A.C. units.
- Screening of sand,mortar proportion & soaking of bricks.
- Erection of door & window frames with necessary number of holdfast.
- Fixing of holdfasts to frames & to R.C.C. Columns if any.
- Racking of joints & surface cleaning after completion of day-to-day work.
- Verticality of walls & corners.
- Thickness of joints not more than 12 mm.
- 20 mm metal chips filling in R.C.C.& masonry junction.
- Cleaning of room
- Curing for 7 days.
- Service line like electrical & plumbing line chasing & filling of voids (Ghabadi).
- Sufficient hacking (tacha) to all R.C.C. work.
- Checking leakage (Toilets, W.C., passage).
- Height & location of electrical points, switch boards, T.V. & Telephone frames.
- Verticality of all door & window frames.
- Hold fasting, fixing of doorframes in concrete.
- Cleaning of all R.C.C. & masonry surfaces.
- ‘Khadi maal’ at beam bottom, column & masonry joints.
- Chicken mesh fixing at joints of RCC & masonry work.
- Watering of surface before one day of plastering.
- Level dots (Thiyya) to be marked.
- Sand measured by farma.
- Silt content of sand (permissible limit).
- Arrangement of M.S.chairs and planks.
- Extra amenities, if any.
- Covering of electrical boxes by dummy plates.
- Soaking of sanala ( * if not instant).
- Fan hook at its position.
- Line, level, right angle of plastered area.
- Sanala application after 2 hours.
- Trowelling the surface on next day for smooth finish.
- Sills, column beam edges in plumb.
- Cleaning of plastered surface.
- Curing for minimum 10 days.
- 150 mm cutting of plaster in level for fixing skirting.
- No sanala application at glazed or ceramic dado positions.
- Edges to be made adding cement in sanala.
- Cleaning of windows & door frames.
- Cleaning floor exposed to slab top.
- Finishing ghabadi work.
- Provision for window sill fixing.
- I.P.S. on loft top.
- Use of measuring farma according to the mix proportion.
- Smoothness of concrete surface hacked with tacha.
- Water the surface to be plastered one day in advance.
- Verticality & stability of the provided scaffolding.
- Mark dots (thiyya) before plastering, to ensure minimum specified thickness.
- The cement sand mortar between junction of bottom beam & the last layer of masonry shall be filled well in advance before plastering.
- Chicken mesh of minimum 23 cm in width on either side of junction of different surfaces (junction of masonry to R.C.C.).
- 3 to 4 days gap between two successive coats for double coat plaster.
- Finishing of scaffolding holes properly & immediately.
- Verticality of window opening jamb as well as horizontality of its bottom sills and top to be checked during plastering work.
- For parapet wall, leave a margin of 0.4m ht. in plaster at bottom level from terrace side.
- Clean the terrace after plastering work.
- Curing the plaster for minimum 15 days.
- Plaster checked for its thickness, line , level & plumb.
- Finalise required levels.
- Decide grade of mortar.
- Mixing of waterproof compound
- Ensure thickness of mortar
- Ensure thickness of shahabad stone.
- Grouting of cement mortar.
- Metal grouting in joints.
- Check plumb of dado
- Proper filling & finishing of joints
- Proper curing
- Internal plaster of walls, leaving margin of 450mm from the final floor level be completed.
- Grooving / chasing for concealed G.I. piping / electrical conduit pipe be completed.
- All concealed G.I. & Electrical work in bathroom / toilet be completed.
- Removal of all debris from toilet/ bathroom & chiseling of extra mortar, if any, to expose the slab.
- Completion of making holes in external walls for connecting nahani trap, p trap etc. to external drainage line.
- Thorough cleaning of bathroom/ toilet with sufficient quantity of water is done.
- Marking levels on walls with respect to floor level.
- Any leakage in base slab.
- Maintain slope of 1:100 from entrance door towards water escape pipe (drainage pipe) with cement mortar 1:4, thickness 25 mm to 40 mm.
- Complete the base coat on walls up to height of 300 mm above toilet finish floor level covering all beam top junction etc. properly.
- Flood the base coat with water, upto slab drop top, for minimum 4 days for curing & testing of leakage, if any.
- Provide 25 mm G.I. / P.V.C. pipe for water escape outlet just above the base coat of W.C./Bath/Toilet.
- Lay well burnt brick bats, thoroughly soaked in water, on edge and fill the joint cement mortar in 1:6 proportion with slope of 1:100 ,with waterproofing.
- Fill the holes in wall for P.V.C./G.I. pipe connection is filled with waterproofing coba.
- Curing for 4 days & confirm that there is no leakages
- Topping with 1:4 cement mortar with waterproofing compound and maintain proper slope from entrance to nahani trap & finish with neat cement slurry.
- Provide curing for minimum 7 days with water. Minimum 7.5 cm depth of water to be maintained.
- Remove extra mortar accumulated on terrace and clean the surface clean with water.
- Mix and apply cement slurry on terrace.
- Leave sufficient margin (approx. 150mm) w/p from terrace door bottom level.
- Mark the levels on parapet wall all round.
- Provide rain water pipe outlet bend in correct position.
- Make available well burnt brick bats, properly soaked in water.
- Check for levels & proper slope towards, rain water pipe outlet.
- Fix the bricks & fill the joints of brick bats with C.M. 1:6 and maintain a slope of 1:150 with waterproofing
- Proper round shape to the mortar near water pipe.
- Curing of brickbat coba for 7 days.
- Spread the cement mortar of 1:4 proportion along with waterproofing compound over brick bat coba.
- Apply cement slurry over the surface along with waterproofing compound for smooth finish.
- Mark lines on polished surface.
- Construct projected edge between the parapet & the watta on the next day.
- Clean & cure the final coat atleast 21 days by ponding 150mm high water, standing on it.
CHECKLIST FOR CHAJJA WATERPROOFING (before plastering work) Ensure & confirm:
- Cleaning the top of the chajja and chiselling out any extra mortar.
- Top of chajja applying thick cement slurry.
- Metal screen coat 1:1, 1:2,1:3 as specified.
- Watta rounding at the junction of chajja & wall.
- Curing for atleast 7 days.
CHECKLIST FOR SLOPPING TERRACE WATERPROOFING (before any other architectural treatment) Ensure & confirm:
- Cleaning sloping surface of slab properly.
- Making metal screen coat 1:1,1:2 properly.
- Applying finishing coat with C.M. 1:4 & water proofing method.
- Making edge between parapet wall & sloping slab.
- Curing the waterproofing for atleast 15 days.
- Ensure that all fixtures like bibcocks, mixers etc. are fixed properly.
- Confirm that there is no leakage from cocks/ other C.P. fixtures.
- Confirm that there is proper pressure to all the cocks / other C.P. fixtures.
- Ensure that the half turn flush cock is operating properly.
- Ensure that there is not any choke up in W.C. after continuous flow of water from half turn flush cock.
- Confirm that there not any cement lump observed in P-trap of W.C.
- Ensure that there is not any choke up of Nahani trap of bath room after continuous flow of water for five minutes.
- Ensure that the hot & cold water mixer is operating properly.
- Ensure that the boiler connections are properly plugged .
- Ensure that the low level water tank of E.W.C. is operating properly.
- Confirm that the seat cover of E.W.C. fixed properly.
- Ensure that proper cleaning is done for all sanitary fixtures.
- Confirm that the brackets of W.H.B. are painted with oil paint.
- Confirm that open G.I. pipes fitting connected to E.W.C.are painted .
- W.H.B. is fitted properly. ( It should not shake).
- Are there any cracks/ breakages for any of the sanitary fittings.
- Confirm that there is no leakage from G.I. lines in duct after continuous water flow for fifteen minutes.
- Confirm that the fixing of G.I. / C.I./ P.V.C. lines in plumb and with proper clamping.
- Confirm that there is no leakage in the drainage chambers.
- Confirm that there are no cracks on white cement filled between wash basin and wall.
- Confirm that there is no leakage in the main inlet and outlet G.I. lines or water tanks.
- Ensure that the P.V.C. outlet pipes for wash hand basin and kitchen sink are fixed properly.
- Ensure that the escape spouts from W.C. and bath are provided.
Ensure & confirm:
- Customer changes if any.
- Size & specification of shutter.
- Side of opening.
- Slots & spacing of hinges.
- Frames for plumb & alignment
- Lipping provided or not.
- Fixtures as per specifications and standard position(heights) of fittings.
- Painting or polishing done properly to shutters, lipping etc.
- All screws are fitted with screw driver & not hammered.
- Clearance from all sides of shutters.
Ensure & confirm:
- Right angle for the window.
- Diagonal of the window
- Details of tracks as per drawings
- Weight range of sections.
- Gap between the window and the walls.
- Holes in the tracks are inside or outside.
- Operation of the shutters.
- Provision of screws to all four sides of windows.
- Cleanliness of the track
- Covering paper
- Sealout filing on gaps.
- Thickness of glass.
- Quality & defects of glass.
- Quality and operation of rollers
- Handles and locking system fitted properly.
- Intactness of rubber packing all around.
Internal wall painting Ensure & confirm:
- Check that curing period is completed.
- Wall has been scrapped for all unwanted material like excess cement, mortar, nails, dust etc.
- The mix and application of donga is done properly.
- Donga has been removed completely and wall surface is rubbed by fine grade paper 120 No.
- Mix, preparation and application of primer.
- Primer allowed to dry for atleast 24 hours before application of putty.
- All the undulations of minor nature, dents, cracks, etc. are filled up with putty and surface is smooth to receive paint.
- Surface has been rubbed with fine paper to get smooth finish after 24 hours of application of putty.
- Mix, preparation and application of first coat of distemper.
- The floor has been cleaned immediately and first coat is allowed to dry for atleast 24 hours, before application of successive coat.
- Cleaning of the window glass, terrace, floor, pipes, doors, fixtures, electrical switches etc. has been done properly.
Oil paint
For M.S. Windows, doors, gates, grills & railings etc. Ensure & confirm:
- All cement mortar, unwanted welding burr etc. are removed before application of primer.
- Free movement of hinges, working systems before application of primer.
- Application of zinc cromite metal primer before application of first coat of oil paint.
- Application of first coat of oil paint.
- Application of second coat of oil paint after 24 hours drying of first coat.
- Cleaning of the window glass, terrace, floor, pipes, doors, fixtures, electrical switches etc. has been done properly.
For wooden Doors
- The door frames for its line, level, plumb, quality and door shutter for its free movement, bent, termite attack etc.
- Wood primer is applied.
- Putty has been filled in all the holes, gaps, depressions, etc. and the surface is ready to get first coat.
- First coat for colour, mix and application.
- Application of second coat after 24 hours drying of first coat and application of putty.
- Cleaning of floor and fittings has been done properly.
- Cleaning of the window glass, terrace, floor, pipes, doors, fixtures, electrical switches etc. has been done properly.
Ensure & confirm:
- External wall surface is cleaned properly.
- All the electrical and plumbing holes are finished properly before the application of the first coat.
- The surface is watered for 12 hours before application of the first coat
- The first coat for proper mix, preparation, thickness & finishing of surface.
- Curing for 7 days has been done.
- Second coat for proper mix, preparation, thickness & finishing of surface.
- Cleaning of the window glass, terrace, floor, pipes, doors, fixtures, electrical switches etc. has been done properly.
Ensure & confirm:
- No. of points in each rooms as per drawing.
- Location of the points.
- Height of all boards and points as required.
- Line, level and alignment of casing caping /switch boards/ light points.
- All material is of approved quality and specifications.
- Size of boards as per the fixtures on it.
- Internal connections in board for phase and neutral distribution is proper.
- Colour codes and size of wires used for various points are as specified.
- Operation of all the switches for smooth working.
- The quality and tightening of all the screws with required spacing and with proper gripes /rawal plugs.
- The earthing connections for its proper working.
- The supply of all the points by megger or test lamp and final testing report is prepared.
- The wiring in meter cabinet for quality, colour codes of wires, gauge of wire, main switches, connections in bus bar etc.
- The name of the flat holder painted on concerned meter and main switch.
- The size of cables for required capacity.
- The main supply for sufficient voltage.
- The parking, street lightening and all common supply.
Ensure & confirm:
- Lift pit & shaft size as per lift manufacturer’s specification.
- Waterproofing to the lift shaft & top of the machine room slab.
- Size of the lift shaft, size of all door openings, floor levels & height of machine room as per manufacturer’s requirement.
- Cleaning of lift pit, shafts & ducts.
- All material produced is as per the specification.
- Angles and channels drooping in the lift shaft/ duct.
- Scaffolding is made in the lift shafts is steady and approved by the lift erector.
- Fixing of template.
- All the door frames (Except ground floor ) are kept in the plumb line fixed by the erector.
- Rope hole in the bottom slab of machine room & pockets are made in the side walls for clamping of angles.
- Grouting of brackets & its rigidity
- Whitewash in the lift shaft.
- For the machine room :- I.P.S.Flooring, Ventilation/ exhaust fan, shutter fixing & painting of machine room.
- Angles (rails) fixing and roping.
- Machine of the lift is fixed with proper bolting, grouting and anti vibration pads are fixed below it.
- Flooring in the landing is done as per levels fixed previously and slope of the flooring is always away from the lift.
- Button box holes are marked and made properly.
- Three-phase meter exclusively for each lift.
- All safety arrangement as
a) ladder for pit
b) weld mesh guard to the motor
c) weld mesh guard to the window to avoid entry of the birds.
d) all safety indicators working properly
e) Effective key operations
f) Emergency key operations
g) Instruction plates for the passengers’ guidance
h) Earthing done properly. - While the trial run of the lift that, there are no jerks and sudden stops, floor level matching to the lift level at all floors.
- Ensure about the guarantee period and certification from P.W.D.
Ensure & confirm:
- The capacity of O.H.W.T. & a separate provision in that tank for fire fighting water storage.
- Other requirements as per Municipal Authorities mentioned in the provisional N.O.C.
- Authorised agency for fire fighting installation work.
- Quality of material supplied by the contractor; refer work order.
- Civil work like excavation, making holes to the bricks, wall, concrete and refinishing is done properly as per the requirement of working agency.
- Scaffolding fixed in such a way that no work in fire fighting system erection is disturbed.
- Testing done before inspection by Municipal Authorities.
- All G.I. / M.S. pipelines for straightness, level, plumb etc. for perfectness.
- G.I./M.S line painted in red colour.
- All fire Extinguishers are working and are installed at proper locations.
- Fire hydrants are easily accessible.
- Demarcation of road on the layout plan and type of road to be provided. Distinguish roads, ramps, open parkings areas, pavings etc.
- Longitudinal and cross section of the existing ground level with respect to T.B.M.
- The layers in foundation (sub base) and base course and thickness of wearing surface.
- The formation level with respect to plinth level of buildings and approach road.
- Balancing of cutting and filling.
- The longitudinal slope, camber, super elevation etc.
- The cross Drains, Service line ducts.
Sub base
- Initial ground level.
- Excavated final ground level.
- Murum filling in layers and rolling by 10 to 12 T roller.
- Record final sub grade levels
Base coat
- Record initial levels of sub base.
- The pipes are laid for cross drain, electrical, drainage, water line and any other service line.
- Soling with stone laid on their edges and chips filled in voids properly.
- Width of soling 0.3m more than the width of the road.
- Rolling of the road by 10 to 12 T roller.
- Record final formation levels.
Bituminous Road (On base course)
- Record initial levels.
- Spreading the grit as per specification
- Proper slope, gradient, camber.
- Grouting pattern (semi grout/ full grout) & weight of bitumen per square meter area.
- Spreading of grit when bitumen is hot. Ensure the compaction by rolling.
- Final levels.
Tack coat, Carpet & Seal coat (On base course)
- Record initial levels.
- Weight of bitumen per Sq.meter area.
- Mixing of 20 mm & 12 mm, metal with bitumen.
- Spreading the mixture in uniform thickness.
- Rolling when mix is hot
Same procedure to be adopted for seal coat. (Metal size smaller).
- Record final levels.
- Provision of speed breakers.
Concrete Road (On base Course)
- Initial level of the base course.
- Drawing showing lay out of concrete panels, expansion joints, construction joints.
- Proper cleaning.
- Channel thickness to match concrete thickness.
- Grade of concrete/ mix design.
- Concreting in alternate bays.
- Filler for expansion joints.
- Needle vibrator and screed vibrator.
- Mechanical trovelling and vacuum dewatering
- Broom finish
- Curing by ponding
- Filling bitumen 25 mm thick and deep, in joints.
- Provision for speed breakers.
Paving Blocks (On base Course)
- Approved drawing
- Levels
- Pattern of fixing
- Blocks fixed in proper line, level and pattern with compaction.
Ensure & confirm:
- Approved drawing
- Ensure that the storm water drain is not connected to sewage line in any case.
- Ensure that no turbulence is created at junctions.
- Periodic cleaning/pre monsoon precautions.
Ensure & confirm:
- The approved drawings, customer changes with N.O.C.
- The material for the approved specifications prior to placing the order.
- The material as per specifications.
- a) Diagonal/Angles b) plumb c) Design d) joints welding e) Grounding of joints
- Painting a) primer coat b) paint as per specification
- Any damages created during erection, to be rectified.
- Final touch ups.